

2 mugs of plain flour
1 cup of salt
4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of oil (e.g. sunflower oil)
2 cups of water


1 Mix to form a smooth paste
2 Put in a large saucepan and cook slowly, stirring continuously, until the dough comes
 away from the side of the pan and forms a ball.
3 When it is cool enough, take the dough out of the pan and knead for three or four
 minutes on a slightly floured surface.
4 Put the pan into soak immediately.

Food colouring and/or glitter can be added at the paste stage.

If you keep the playdough in an airtight plastic box, it can be used and reused over several weeks. The disadvantage is that you can't keep the models the children make - we sometimes photograph them if the children ask us to. It's best used over a plain floor or plastic sheeting - otherwise you have to wait for it to dry and then scrape it off the carpet!