The Child in Church

"Worship is for the whole people of God, who are fellow pilgrims on a journey of faith, and those who attend services are all at different stages of that journey."
(Preface, Common Worship)

Children's experience of church can often be very different from this, separated out from the worshipping community from an early age: placed in creches until old enough for Sunday School, and in Sunday School until they are old enough for worship.

What does it mean for the child to worship as one of the people of God and to take their place in the church as fellow pilgrims on the journey of faith?

How can we, as the people of God, welcome children and enable them to worship?

The Child in Church Resources

Thinking about worship: What ideas, questions and principles underpin our thinking about children and worship?

Worship services: How do we structure our worship to include both children and adults? Also includes ideas for confession and creed as part of All Age Worship.

Prayer: A variety of ideas for interactive and multi-sensory prayer that can be used in All Age Worship.

Prayer Stations: Using prayer stations as part of All Age Worship.

Baptism: What does it mean to be baptised? How do we include children in our celebrations of baptism?

Holy Communion: What part can children play in services of Holy Communion?

Under 5s: Ideas for nurturing the spiritual development of children under 5.

Children's play areas: Using toys, symbols and other materials in children's areas in churches.

Liturgy boxes: A box of objects and symbols to help children join in worship.