Children at home: Resources

Spiritual Child Resources

Children at home: How do we support children and their families at home?

Sacred space: Creating focus areas around the home

Story: Different ways to approach storytelling at home

Books: A Jesse Tree for Advent by Rachel Nicholls

Play: Toys, symbols and materials that encourage children's spirituality.

Response: Children's responses around the year


The 'E' book

Essential prayers and activities for faith at home
by Gill Ambrose

Ideas, activities, prayers and Bible readings to help families celebrate the Christian faith at home. Suggestions are included for a wide variety of festivals and occasions inclusing Candlemas, St Francis, Christian Aid and Fireworks

published by Church House Publishing
2000    ISBN 9780715149379


Sharing the Light

Ali has four children and has worked with children in the church for ten years. Here she shares her thoughts, ideas and experiences of working with children in the home. Sharing the Light


Explore and Express

Sheila is a children's pastor in Berlin, Germany, helping children to explore the character of God and express a relationship to Him through Godly Play and art. Her blog reflects on children's spirituality, Godly Play and art. Explore and Express

Watkins Every Flavour Beans

Emily lives in the United States with her husband and three young sons. Her blog is about finding the sacramental in every day life with a focus on family, faith, celebration, art and eco-sustainability. Watkins Every Flavour Beans