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The Spiritual Child Network:
Celebrating children's spirituality, their insights, experiences, gifts and questions. Discovering ways we can travel alongside children on our shared Christian journey of faith. Providing support, ideas and resources for those involved in children's ministry within a Christian context. What's where:Spirituality Links to: Prayer; Godly Play; Sacred Space; Story and Labyrinths Child in Church Links to: Thoughts on Worship; Services; Prayer; Prayer Stations; Under 5s; Baptism; Holy Communion; Liturgy Boxes and Children's areas in church. Seasonal The church year from Advent to Christ the King. Including Seasonal Journey from Lent to Pentecost and Tree of Life - using a Christmas tree cross from Christmas to Creation. Community Links to: Children at home; Footsteps and Creative Church (reaching out to those who don't attend church); Wider Community and Special needs. Schools Including links to Events; R.E days; Godly Play in School; Prayer Seasonal material:CandlemasCandlemas Workshop Telling the story of Candlemas with a variety of responses including decorating candles and doves. Candlemas Under 5s The story of Candlemas adapted for pre-schoolers LentLent: Jesus in the Wilderness: An event for schools with reflective story telling and creative response. Special areas of the church were set up for the different stations: bread and stones, the pinnacle of the temple and the kingdoms of the world. This was also offered after school as part of our Footsteps project. Under 5s: Pray and play stations for under 5s based on Jesus' experience in the wilderness. Including Jesus' baptism, bread or stones; the pinnacle of the temple and all the kingdoms of the world. Sensory Lent: An All Age event for Lent. "Into the wilderness" uses our senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste to look at different aspects of Lent, including Shrove Tuesday, Jesus' baptism and his experience in the wilderness. Lent focus: Creating a worship focus for Lent. Lent books: "Weaving a journey through Lent" by Rachel Nicholls. How one family used this book during Lent. Mothering SundayDrama: Hannah's story divided into three scenes which can be spaced across the service: her meeting with Eli in the temple, the birth of Samuel and taking Samuel to the temple. Ideas, reflections and resources for the time of the pandemic:Footsteps at a distance: Staying connected to children and families who have little or no contact with church during the time of the coronavirus. R.E. at home: What can children do at home to support the R.E. curriculum? Resources for Lent and Easter. Thoughts on Zoom: Reflecting on using Zoom with children and families for community, storytelling and response. |